September 10th 2007 - Paintings

September 10th 2007

Work !

Let me warn you up front ... this week has been boring ! We don't even have any good photos to show. Maybe it is a post Palau depression. Or maybe it is just the fact that the shipyard has delivered one of our ships today and the last week or two has been frantic. For my part work has been horrible on top of frantic. I am standing in for Carlos, who is home on vacation. So this means that I am in charge of paint inspections on the ships on the main yard (4 ships). This should be a lot of work but not impossible. Unfortunately, this is not the case here. The shipyard is in a great hurry to paint the ship and in the process "forget" to call for inspections, "forget" to prepare for a proper paint job and "forget" not to tell lies ! This has been one of the most frustrating weeks in my (professional) life ...

A lot of Paula's friends left last week, as you might have read, so I think she has been feeling a bit overseen also (she has had every reason to, anyway) with all the hours I have had to put in at work. We have been preparing for this "in-between-friends" period, but it is always hard to be the one left behind.

So in lack of other (?) interesting subjects, let me elaborate a little on dreams ! I have noticed, but not researched, the fact that Koreans use the work "dream" in very different ways than we do. Take our fridge .. it proudly states that it is "The perfection of Dream Space", whatever that means. Would make more sense on our bed .... But that's not all. The lock on our door (code or fingerprint - no old fashioned keys) makes use of the "Gateman Dream Mechanism System" and the TV in the elevator is a "Dream Screen" showing "Dream Ads". I find it funny ..

Paula went for her first painting class today - not wood painting, which she has done before, but rice paper painting. She liked and if you asked me, she has a talent ! She had also been organizing our bowling evenings with posters and emails, so that some of the new people here could join us. Unfortunately the bowling alley burned down the day after posting the notices, so now we are on the lookout for another bowling alley !!

By the way - the Palau page is now finished. I am still working on the diving page, where you soon can read about the dives and see the pictures and videos.

Esta semana fue bien fome , no tubimos muchas cosas que hacer . Peder trabajo de lunes a Domingo. Tienen que entregar el 2do barco esta semana y le toco hacer muchas inspecciones el fin de semana , asique la verdad aparte de algunas comidas el fin de semana no fue mucho mas .

Esta semana empeze a hacer Pintura coreana en papel de arroz , super choro , me gusto mucho . Aqui pusimos algunas fotos de mis 1eras "obras" .

Tambien pueden ver mas fotos de Palau .......por ahora vean las fotos de esta semana.

Our dreamy door lock

Nuestro Cierre de la puerta de ensueño. Aqui no tenemos llaves para abrir la puerta, aqui son con codigos como en algunos hoteles .....muy tecnologico !

Our dreamy fridge

Nuestro Refrigerador de Ensueño

These paintings are the first pieces of art from the hands of soon-to-be world famous painter Paula van Nielsen

Aqui mis primeras obras de arte en Pintura Coreana. Super entretenido

Paula keeping in touch !

Peder me saco esta foto en el living mientras chateaba . Me corte el pelo, como pueden notar.

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