June 3rd 2007 - Paula in Busan

June 3rd 2007

Busan and Bamboos

Another week gone and this time we finally got around to taking over the first ship. This doesn't mean that it is finished yet - work is still being done at the yards dock, and one of the first days of next week, it will go out for a gas trial. This is a test of the cargo system and will take 7-8 days, all going to schedule. This last week has been quite busy for me at work, with some late nights. Everybody's been stressed with last minute items, so I think we will all be very pleased to see this one sail off into the horizon !!!

Paula and I joined a gym this week. Friday we went to play Badminton and Saturday we had to make do with weights and stretching. The old muscles are getting a little tight with all the ups and downs at the yard. Today I spent 2 hours playing tennis followed by 1½ hours playing squash. I feel 20 years older now !

Other than being sporty, we have off course spent time with our friends, who have returned from their vacations, and shopping, shopping shopping ..... Sorry - not a very exciting week for you readers !!

Otra semana pasa y por fin terminaron el 1er barco de la oficina de Peder. Aun estan haciendo arreglos al barco pero ya esta oficialmente entregado. Peder ha estado super ocupado con los ultimos detalles e inspecciones.

Peder y yo nos metimos a un gimnasio , muy bueno estamos contentos, tiene : yoga, pilates, squash , badminton, tenis y maquinas ; asique partimos el viernes a jugar badminton , sabado un poco de maquinas y hoy domingo tenis y squash......a ver como despertaremos manana despues de tanto deporte !

Yo fui el martes a Busan , una cuidad 60 km. al sur de Ulsan , 1 hora en tren. Muy entretenido, muchos mercados y tiendas , mucho mas barato que aqui donde estamos y sobre todo muchas cosas para ver y comprar......

Tuesday Paula went to Busan with a few of her friends. Busan is about 60 km from Ulsan, but if you go by car it will take you 2 hours ! So they took the train! In Busan they had to work out the metro map....

Aqui un mapa del metro de Busan .

Look ... long-noses ! It appears that they made quite an impression in the Busan Metro.

Aqui uno de los carritos del metro , por supuesto todo el mundo miraba a "las turistas".

Stephanie, Marlene and Renata somewhere in Busan.

Stephanie, Marlene y Renata en la estacion de trenes.

Ole and Renata went on vacations this Friday. Wednesday we held a little goodbye party at the Wa Bar, as Renata will stay in Poland. From the left: Marilyn, Flemming, Ole, Tordur, Sergey and Renata.

Ole y Renata se fueron de vacaciones el viernes. El miercoles hicimos una comida de despedida para Renata en Wa-Bar. Ella se vuelve a Polonia y a lo mejor vuelve en octubre a vernos.

Paula and Renata grew very fond of each other during Renata's 6 weeks here.

Yo y Renata ,en su ultimo dia en Corea. Espero que vuelva a vernos en octubre, una gran amiga que todas aprendimos a conocer y querer aqui .

Paula on one of Ulsan's bridges. All of them are covered with flowers and look quite pretty in spring.

Aqui estoy en uno de los puentes de la cuidad. Todos los puentes estan con flores en la orillas se ve muy lindo.

Sunday we went for a walk in the city's bamboo forest. It was a very nice place, even if we still haven't accustomed us to the constant noise and music everywhere.

Hoy fuimos a caminar en un bosque de bambus. Es un lugar muy lindo, aunque aun es nuevo para nosotros esto de escuchar musica en todos los lugares publicos.

But the scenery was nice ...

Aqui Peder en el bosque de Banbus, al lado el rio lleno de pescados saltando.

and the river full of jumping fish and herons.

Aqui se ve el rio , que pena que no se ven los pescados saltanto y las garzas.

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