August 12th 2007 - Tim & Emily

August 12th 2007

Pool, parties and hashing

Hannah and Chris left last Sunday to go back to England. Paula told me off for not adding this photo to last weeks entry, but for some reason I didn't have it on the computer then. Anyway, here they are with our baby..

Aqui Hannah y Chris la semana ante pasada antes de que volvieron a Inglaterra. Se nos habia olvidado que teniamos esta foto.

Ray and Mary Don will be leaving us soon as well. Ray is my playmate (not as kinky as it sounds!) - tennis, pool, poker and a bit of golf. I'm toying with the possibility of cloning him. Mary Don doesn't seem too opposed to the idea but Ray himself didn't sound very excited. Is it immoral to clone him against his will ?? Did the original Dolly the sheep have a say ?

Ray y MaryDon se van pronto . Ray es el companero de juegos de Peder, Tenis, pool, poker y a veces golf , asique Peder esta pensando en hacer un clon de Ray , MaryDon no tiene problemas.

Paula and I have been spending a bit of time at the pool this week. It is warming up here in Korea, and it's nice to peel off the boiler suit and dive in after a hot day at the yard. If we go there directly after work, we still have a good hour before the bugs start to come out. Paula has been going a bit more regularly, as many of her friends are hanging out by the pool during the day.

Aqui estoy disfrutando de la piscina del Compound de extranjeros. Estos dias ha estado super caluroso y humedo ,asique los dias de la piscina se disfrutan bastante. Ademas de disfrutar del "No sol" , hay un lugar cubierto , asique para mi bien , no me gusta tomar sol. Peder a veces ha ido despues del trabajo y nos quedamos hasta las 18.30 . El calor no baja en las tardes asique la piscina se disfruta hasta tarde .

We had a double booking on Saturday - First we went to Tim and Emily's (above) farewell party at the old foreigners compound. We haven't known them for all that long, but have gotten along really well, so it is sad to see them leave. They are heading back to Oz (Perth) in time for their baby to be born there.

El Sabado tubimos dos fiestas . Aqui estamos con Tim y Emily en su fiesta de despedida, se van a Australia el miercoles. No alcanzamos a estar mucho tiempo con ellos pero nos llevamos super bien y tenemos planes de visitarlos en Oz Perth .

Then we went to Rose and Edwina's combined birthday party at Ballentines, one of the popular expat hang-outs. Of course the mood was a bit more elated here ! Here Anne Marie, Rose and Mary Don are hitting some high tones !

Luego partimos a la Fiesta de cumpleaños de Rose y Edwina. Aqui esta Anne Marie ( Mama de Rose ) , Ross y Mary Don .

Paula, Carolina, Edwina, Rose and Anne Marie (Rose's mother who has been out here for a short vacation). Good Party !

Yo , Carolina, Edwina, Rose y Anne Marie.

We stayed for the dancing, though I must admit that I only joined in for one "Smooth" dance (you know, Santana and Rob Thomas ...?) Not much of a dancer. Paula and I took salsa lessons once but only learned how not to cripple each other (barely).

Estubimos un rato para el baile . Peder y yo estubimos en clases de salsa pero lo unico que aprendimos fue a no pisarnos uno a otro .

So ... well, there really isn't anything I can write to explain this !

Aqui nos sacaron esta foto con Edwina.

Stephanie and Jerome just came back from 9 days horseback riding in Mongolia. We appreciate that they took a bath before coming to the party ! The trip sounds amazing and I'm slowly trying to win Paula over. It will take some time still, but I am hoping for some cooperation from Stephanie !!

Stephanie y Jerome venian llegando de 9 dias en Mongolia haciendo un tur a Caballo. El viaje nos contaban fue increible . Peder esta tratando de convencerme de que hagamos el mismo me veo 9 dias a caballo , pero vamos a ver las fotos y veremos .

We got home from the party early enough to make it to the Hash Sunday morning. We were about 20 people going for a short walk in the woods. Even though it was overcast the air was still sticky enough for the walk to be a bit of an effort. Here is Vanessa showing off her Hash bandana.

Hoy domingo fuimos a nuestro Hash House Harriers . El dia estaba especial para una caminata de 1 hora . Eramos 20 y la verdad lo pasamos super bien. Aqui ven a Vanessa mostrando la Banda del Hash .

We started off at a small fishing harbor, then headed up into the hills and forest, turned back at the rice fields and ended up back at the cars after about one hour.

Partimos en un pequeno puerto de pescadores luego subimos unos cerros y el resto fue en un bosque para terminar en un campo de arros.

Two happy hashers, or .... ?!! Michael and Carrol.

Aqui dos felices caminantes, Michael y Carol .

Back at the fishing harbor it was time for my naming (you are given a name after your third run). I was fairly unknown to the crowd present, so I was named "Have a chat"! One guy said that I had been talking the whole way through the run ! He must have confused me with some other bugger, cause I would be hard pressed to find a name that is further from the truth than that. Paula agrees.... I like the name though and from now on I will always have a good reply on hand whenever Paula thinks I'm being too quiet. Bonus !

De vuelta de la caminata se toma una cerveza o bebida se comenta algo y en este caso se da nombre. Cada Hash tien un nombre al hacer la 3ra caminata. Aqui se le esta dando el nombre a Peder . Segun yo no podian haberle dado un nombre mas equivocado "Conversemos" ! pero bueno , veremos que nombre me dan a mi para la proxima caminata. Para mi es la 2da y para Peder fue la 4ta.



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