June 24th 2007 - Doctorfish

June 24th 2007

The start of the rainy season

And so the rain started ... these last couple of days have been grey and humid and have left Paula breathless ! It takes a little while to get used to the humidity and at the beginning you might feel a little short of breath. The only remedy is to close the windows and put the AC at full force. I'm sure we'll get used to the humidity after a few days, and if not - it'll only last a month or two !

Tuesday morning it finally happened .... the first vessel, Isabella Kosan, set sails and dissapeared over the horizon. I think everybody was happy to see it leave! Nobody are happy with a 6 month delay. Tuesday night we invited our agents, the class (Bureau Veritas) and the yard to a korean restaurant (the rib-restaurant from last week) to celebrate. It's good to meet away from the work place from time to time. It was a good evening, even though my legs still can't handle 3 hours sitting on the floor.

Yesterday evening we went out to Ulsans only steak house with my collegues and today we joined FLIK (Foreigners Living In Korea - a Hyundai sponsored tour organizer) on a trip to the Water World in Gyeong-Ju. The trip was probably best suited for families, but we enjoyed it anyway, as you can see below.

This week also brought a final decision regarding our next holiday ! Paula had promised me that we could go WHEREVER I wanted to go - for diving. With so many choices, I eventually settled on Palau in Micronesia. I have always wanted to go, but never had much faith that I would ever make it there - being so far from everything ... It's also a bit far from Korea, at least in travel time, but so is everywhere exept China and Japan. Palau is supposed to have wicked wicked diving and snorkeling, so I need not tell you how excited I am ? And I get to be excited for another 2 months before we take off ! Also, it is an anagram for Paula, so how can we not visit ?

Y empezo la epoca de lluvias ......estos ultimos dias a estado lluvioso y muy humedo lo que me llevo a tener problemas para respirar . Toma un poco de tiempo ( me dicen ) acostumbrarse a tanta humedad y por eso al principio cuesta respirar.....bien desagradable la sensacion , pero bueno por ahora no salgo en las mananas, ya que , aunque no llueve hay aprox. 80 % humedad ambiental , asique a prender el aire acondicionado y dejar las ventanas cerradas , luego en la tarde se pone normal y se abren las ventanas . Esto durara hasta finales de julio o mediados de Agosto.

Ayer salimos a comer con los compañeros de oficina de Peder y hoy tubimos un paseo organizado por FLIK ( extranjeros viviendo en Corea ) fuimos a Water World Gyeong-Ju. Lo pasamos super bien , habian unos pescaditos que comen las impurezas de la piel , se llaman Dr. Fish .

Esta semana tambien Peder por fin se decidio a elegir donde serian las primeras vacaciones, le prometi que el 1er viaje lo elegiria el y vamos la 3era semana de agosto a Palau , una isla en el medio del pacifico , micronesia . Dicen que es buenisimo para el buceo y snorkel asique ahi estaremos por 1 semana. Peder se rie solo con el viaje porque es un lugar que desde que lo conozco quiere ir y desde Dinamarca es larguisimo el viaje y muy caro , desde aqui es mucho mas cerca, asique para esos lados iremos .

This week the cargo tanks for vessel no. 1150 (the 4th vessel) arrived from China. They are stainless steel tanks which have been insulated (working temperature -104°C). They will be lifted onboard by the floating crane in the picture.

Aqui se ven los tanques para el barco 1150. llegados de China.

Lakes disappear not only in Chile ... The picture to the left you might recognize from our diary a few months ago. As you see, the lake was full of life and giant swans ! Today the "lake" looked a little different, as you may see from the picture to the right. And yes - this is the rainy season!

No solo en Chile estan desapareciendo Lagos, aqui se ve una foto tomada hace un par de meses y hoy fuimos denuevo y asi encontramos el lago ! y eso que estamos en epoca de Lluvias.

Maybe they drained the lake to fill the Water World. Check out the amount of people here .. I estimate at least 500 people in the pools. You'd do good to manage to get you feet wet!

A lo mejor vaciaron el lago para llenar las piscinas del Water World . Habia un monton de gente, segun Peder habian por lo menos 500 personas en las piscinas.

The wave pool was popular! So much that I didn't even consider entering.

Aqui la piscina con Olas, super choro ver como la gente se movia de un lado al otro. Queriamos ir pero estaba super llena.

Our favorite was the Jasmin hot spa. The water temperature was 40 degrees and Paulas favorite color is green.

Aqui estamos en la terma con agua de Jasmin , el color era super lindo . El agua estaba a 40 grados . Noten lo bien que me veo con la gorra de nadar ! ...ji ji ji

The red wine pool was good also (I think it was strawberry, but red wine sounds better!)

Aqui la piscina de Vino tinto , super buena tambien ( creemos que era de frambuesas, pero suena mejor decir de vino tinto ! )

For once, the fish had us for lunch and not the other way around. The doctor fish pool was a good experience, though pretty tickling at first. We got a half hour clean-up.

Por una vez los pescados nos tenian a nosotros de almuerzo y no al revez. La piscina de Dr. Fish fue una experiencia super chora , a pesar de que daba mucha cosquilla al principio nos fuimos bien limpiesitos !

It is supposed to be good for you if you suffer from a skin desease. I thought it was pretty cool even if I had to share the pool with lepers and fish poo !

Se supone que estos pescados estan solo en China y Turquia y sirven para limpiar las enfermedades de la piel . Fue super choro .

In Korea, X-mas is a year round thing. In the town centre there is a permanent blue (?!) christmas tree and at the Water World you are met by the above x-mas related greeting in the middle of summer.

En Corea la navidad parece que es todo el año . En una de las plazas del centro hay un arbol de navidad con luces azules TODO el año y en el Water World se encuentra un cartel relacionado con los saludos navideños en medio del verano !

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