February 17th 2008 - Valentines

February 17th 2008

Valentines Day and the consequences ...

We started the week traveling .... traveling back to Korea from a short get-away to Kyoto, Japan. You can read more about this trip under Travels. ( Apreten aqui para ver las fotos del viaje a Kyoto , Japon )

Tuesday was the long awaited return of Val and John. Farewells are a lot more common than returns here in Ulsan, but in this case it is a happy return ! Unfortunately, John has to leave for Nigeria pretty much right away. Thursday was Valentines Day, so I grabbed Paula and dragged her (?!) to a Japanese Restaurant. Even though they only had three set menus to choose from, we were not disappointed. There was plenty of food (17 dishes !) and it was nicely presented. Unfortunately, the restaurant had adopted the Korean custom of seating the guests in private window-less cabins. I assume it can be very romantic for a Valentines Day, but we still haven't got used to this part of Korean culture. For us it is a little boring when we can't keep track of what goes on around us. Friday Paula and Val went to the Old foreigners compound for a Somoza cooking class, arranged by the orphanage committee, for the benefit of the children of the orphanage. I on the other hand, was together with my colleague Carlos invited for Korean Shuba Shuba by the Yard paint department. We went to a very nice restaurant in downtown, and managed to get away without too much soyu-drinking. I had it easy, as I was driving (my inspections were delayed so I had to go directly from work to the restaurant).

Seeing that we had eaten so well for two days in a row, it came as a surprise to me that should get ill next day ! I felt like I had been on a huge bender the day before - headache, nausea and muscle pain. Paula offered to drive me to my inspections, after which we went to buy a mountain bike for me (I should get ill more often - it has some great rewards!). I had borrowed a bike rack from Ruaraidh, but after 20 minutes in the freezing cold without even getting close to fastening the bike to the car, I gave up and stuffed the bike in the boot instead, tied down the lid and drove home real slow ! After a few hours at home, Paula all of a sudden got ill. She has been feeling quite bad today also, so even though I have itching feet to try out the bike, I will have to wait a little longer. I guess those restaurants weren't really that great after all, eh ?

Despues de 6 dias en Japon fue dificil acostumbrarse denuevo a korea !. El martes llego Valerie y John , nuestros amigos ingleses . Val se queda 5 semanas y John parte manana a Nigeria y luego vuelve a buscar a Val y vuelven a Sussex.

El Jueves Peder como nunca decidio que salieramos a comer por el dia de San Valentin. Como nos gusto mucho la comida japonesa partimos a un restaurant bien "pituco" cerca nuestro. Como siempre el idioma es una barrera en esta cuidad y despues de un rato entendimos que tenian solo 3 tipos de menu en las comidas y pedimos una. Para sorpresa nuestra eran 18 platos diferentes ! impresionante. Probamos de todo por supuesto.

El viernes organizamos una "demostracion de comida india" para juntar plata para hacer actividades con los niños del orfanato. Lo pasamos super bien y recolectamos mas plata de lo esperado asique bien . Peder tubo una comida de oficina en la noche , pero volvio tarde y no se sentia bien . El sabado estaba mal de la guata asique hize de chofer y lo lleve a la fabrica 2 donde tenia que hacer inspecciones ( 45 minutos de ulsan ) y luego al volver a la cuidad Peder queria comprarse una bici asique partimos a comprarla . Llegamos a la casa y luego me senti yo mal. Como dijo Peder "estaba malita por arriba y por abajo" supongo que no tengo que dar mas explicaciones que eso..... "gajardo" estubo presente el sabado aqui en casa...jiji y el domingo las visitas al baño fueron normales pero andabamos los dos medio cansados asique fue un fin de semana bien tranquilo. Menos mal que en el depto. tenemos 2 baños ...

Aqui van algunas fotos.

This is just the first of many rounds of food servings at Valentines day

Esta es la 1era ronda de platitos japoneses que comimos en el dia de San Valentin .

They eat some strange things in Japan (or in Japanese restaurants in Korea)! This was some un-chewable seafoody thingy that I have never seen before. You can see it in the lower right corner, beside the sea urchin.

Aqui probamos cosas bien raras . El plato del lado derecho abajo tenia unas cosas como duras. Parecia que mascabamos orejas ! asquerso

Another round .. we were soo full !

Otra ronda de platos. A esta altura ya no podiamos comer mas !

Somoza cooking lesson at the Old Foreigners Compound.

Preparando las Somosas.

Everybody paid 10 dollars to join, and the somozas were sold afterwards, for the benefit of the orphanage children.

Aqui en la demostracion de Samosas ( especie de empanada india rellena con papas, vegetales y picantes, muy ricas) cada una pagada usd10 y esa plata va para hacer actividades con los ninos del orfanato.

Waiting for first orders ... Isobel and Pippa

Esperando que abran el bar en el old compound. Isobel y Pippa.

Paula will have to work hard to compete with this baby !! hehe ...

Aqui el "juguetito" de Peder