April 8th 2007 - Settling in

April 8th 2007

Settling in ...

Aqui vamos con mas fotos de nuestra segunda semana en Ulsan , Corea del Sur .

Ya hemos conocido gente y nos ubicamos mas o menos en la cuidad...lo suficiente como llegar a ver los amigos, supermercado ,etc. , siempre con el mapa en el auto claro , tampoco tan confiados...jijij

La primavera ya se nota, los arboles todos con flores y los dias se van poniendo mas calidos. Estamos con un poco de viento , pero dicen que es normal en esta epoca del ano.

Aqui van mas fotos de nuestra estadia en Ulsan.


Here you'll find more photos from our first week in Korea. We've made some friends and seen some parts of the town - started working and settled in to our new apartment.

Spring has arrived with blooming cherry trees and progressively warmer days. The winds are still cool though, but there's potential for a hot summer !!

Hyundai City !! It's all Hyundai here - cars, ships, hotels and department stores.

La cuidad Hyundai se llama a Ulsan y esta en todas partes, autos, barcos, hoteles, shopping centers

Paula gets around by bus until her drivers license is transferred into a korean license.

Yo tomo el bus mientras espero que me den el carne de manejar coreano.

Ms. Sun - one of Paula's acquaintances.

Mi amiga Sun en un tipico restaurant de comida coreana.

One of the stalls at our local market, 5 minutes by foot from our apartment.

Tenemos un mercado a 5 minutos caminando de la casa, se encuentra de todo.

At the fish market you'll find just about anything. Here a bowl of small octopuses.

En el mercado se encuentran tambien diferentes pescados y maricos. Aqui unos pulpitos.

Food stall in the centre - about 8 km from where we live.

Un carrito de "comida rapida" , cerca de donde vivimos .

Peder's colleagues at Ballrantines Bar - the favorite foreigner hangout. Here seen sending off the former leader of the site team. From left it is Stig, Flemming, Ole, Marylin, Michael and Peder.

El sabado nos juntamos con los colegas de Peder en un bar/restaurant tipico para extranjeros el Ballrantines Bar.

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